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Thursday, 8 November 2012

'Strawberry Chocolate Swirls'

Yet another make-up look...the nails are still in treatment :p

By the way...pardon me the undone brows in both the make-up looks, I'm obliged not to shave them for a week. The pictures were taken last Saturday. they look worse now. But Í shouldn't shave them yet...until this Saturday, for a project I'm about to do...
As soon as I'm done with the project I'll tell you more about it. (probably)

But ok...today's look...'Strawberry Chocolate Swirls'
A combination Of pink and browns...
Not all too soft or too bouyiant. Perfect if you're someone who isn't used to using a lot of colors. (Thou that person is not me..as you might have already noticed)

A light shade of pink was dabbed on half the lid and under the eyes. Then, on the outer half of the eyelid and all the way up the crease I added a sparkly medium-dark brown. To accentuate the look I added a darker shade of brown in the sparkly one on the outer corner of the eye and added a very fine line with a liquid eye-liner, as close to my lashes as possible. Dashed some white in the inner corner of the eye and lightly along the brows ...et Voila!! Sweet, swirly and ready to go.

The pictures were taken after I already got home, so I my lip gloss already wore off completely. But I used a light pink gloss with little sparkles...which to my opinion, matched beautifully.

Now, that's the look I had for today...

Take Care, lovebugs...and stay beautiful!

X's n'O's




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