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Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Crafts: Pearly Jewelry Set

Those of you who know me personally also know that I love being creative, be it with my nails, my make up, my hair, writing, crafting...whatever...

So, last week we had this very cool lunch with some of my colleagues at work and we thought about doing a gift exchange during the lunch. AMAZING idea... only, your gifts wasn't allowed to exceed 5 guilders (local currency equivalent of $ 2,75 approximately). How EXCITING...
Challenge accepted!!! And mind you,  I even did a silly dance after we withdrew the names a week in advance, so to know who you'd be buying a gift for. Mine was supposed to be easy, and my mind was flowing with ideas... So much that I was doing little screams of excitement and could hardly wait until next Friday.

Right!!! My dancing didn't last... That weekend when I went on my quest I discovered that I HAD to rethink my idea drastically. Most of the things I sought exceeded the limit of 5 guilders. FRUSTRATING!!!
I even got laughed at in a store, when I told the sales girl that I couldn't buy it because it was 'too expensive'. hahahahaha...

So here's what I did in the end...
I bought a black waxed linen cord for Fls. 4,51 (incl. taxes)...the rest I would have to conjure from what I have at home.
I had this pearl necklace which I've never used. And personally, I don't even remember why I bought it in the first place. Well then why not pick a scissor and go right through it? As a result...I got beads for my master piece.

Then with needle and black thread from my mom...and a little bit of patience I got to these three beauties (even if I have to say it myself  TIHIHI).
One double wrap pearl bracelet, a simpler bracelet and a pair of earrings.
(Yes I disassembled an unused earring to make this)

Now, for the presentation. How do you present handmade gifts? Especially when you can't buy anything else? Well you MAKE a 'clutch'. I have colored paper and colored foam at home...so yeah...why not?
For the two bracelets I made two custom pouches out of  make-up brush pouches and inserted a quote about pearls.

It says...
I belive the nicest and sweetest days are not those where anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens. But just those that bring simple little pleasures following one another softly like pearls of a string.

Sewn in a diagonal stripe with the waxed linen to hang the earrings. The clutch's closure was also made out of pearls and the waxed linen. Made a foam flower with a pearl center for embelishment on the front and a slider from colored paper...

And THIS is the result...

Uhm no that's not tape on the closure. It's a transparent bead

And for Fls 4,51, some material I owned myself and a drop of patience I could gladly hand this handmade gift to my friend and colleague, Claudia.
It was such a fun and meaningfull afternoon with my bunch of crazies...
We laughed, we cried, we sang, we danced and we had an amazing time.
Me? well after walking around screaming like a duck and singing 'Alelimo'in between chuckles and uncontrollable laughter, I got two of my favorites...Ritter Sport Chocolate and Cherry gummies in an oversized shredded paper filled hair drier  box. whahahaha...The craziest ideas...but I LOOOOOVVVEEEEDDD it...!

Here, some peeks...

All the gifts on the table in the morning...hidden in black plastic bags. To keep the mysterious touch aaaaall through the morning...

UNVEILEDDDD!!! Just before lunch!!! The red gift is the one I made. haha the real gift wasn't in it. Claudia opened a total of 12 wraps only to find that I still had the gift with me.
The peach one was for me...MINEEE!!

My delicous gift..unwrapped:

p.s. My gifts didn't see the light of the next day pfff...did you really expect them to? And Claudia wore the earrings and the simple bracelet yesterday and actually is wearing the double wrap bracelet as a necklace today lol


Well lovebugs, this has been it for today! I really hope you like it!

X's n' O's



Been creative with your hair, make-up, nails or just crafty? want to do a feature post on Hello Dazzling? Contact me on hellodazzlingblog@gmail.com


MijnGarderobe said...

Sy I'm so impressed. That's a present of great value! Your colleague Claudia is a lucky girl and so are you with such wonderful colleagues. JS

Anonymous said...

I'm so very glad you liked them. Thank you dear! I must say I did my best...and they looked beautiful on Claudia.

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