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Monday, 7 January 2013

In the Kitchen: Spicy Garlic Shrimp

It's official...most of my friends are total crazies. Especially when it comes to sea food.

Yesterday I had a meeting with my friend Luka at my place. To discuss serious matters of course....
I said, "Well I got shrimp" and she answered "ok, I'll bring wine". And that's exactly what happened!

So 'Spicy Garlic Shrimps' and white Zin it was...

The Shrimp was prepared in extra virgin olive oil and garlic and the sauce contained sugar, sesame oil, soy sauce, chili sauce and Chinese rice wine....

Fry the shrimps in garlic and olive oil until pink on both sides. In the mean while, mix the other ingredients, and put them aside.
Once the shrimps are ready, add the mixture of the sauce and ready.

HERE...the outcome....and it tasted mind-blowing delicious!!!

Still Sizzling in the pan


Bon Apetit
The meeting was successful..yeah. More than successful hahahaha

Try it for yourselves lovebugs...it's just simply delicious!

X's n' O's




Anonymous said...

Krijg er wel honger van, ziet er echt heerlijk uit! Wat heb jij een leuke blog, ik ben je meteen gaan volgen met bloglovin. Hopelijk neem je ook eens een kijkje op mijn blog!

Unknown said...

Hartelijk bedankt schat!!! Jij hebt ook een zeer leuke blog, fantastisch echt. Ben je ook meteen gaan volgen hahah

X's n O's


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